Happy Habitat in the News

"Colorfully Woven by Humble Beginnings"
Those are the kind words from a recent feature in Design KC magazine. Thank you Savannah for putting together such a well written interview! I'm honored to be in good company in the article titled "Tactile Thrills", next to Stark Carpets.
I am very grateful to have had 3 wonderful mentions in 3 very different publications at the end of 2022. First is local publication I just mentioned, a creatively written and thoughtful summary and interview of HH.
Second in our press round up: topping the list of 40 Eco Friendly Gifts, our Puzzle Throw was chosen by Real Simple Magazine for Gifts You'll Feel Good About Giving. And I'll be honest, it's a big deal to get national press! Thank you Real Simple for including a small biz in your gifts collection!
And last-- I met this cool woman, Terry Trucco at the BDNY show in November, we had a nice chat, or what turned out to be a little mini interview. She was lovely and easy to talk to and happy to see some of my words and throws made it in her article What We Loved at the 2022 Hotel Trade Fairs — And What You May See on Your Next Hotel Visit.
Also quick mention of a few gift guides Happy Habitat was included in for the holiday season.
- How can you not click on a post titled: Gilmore Girls Gift Guide: If they were Stoners (Thank you Riley-- so good!)
- Olra Creative (thanks my dear!)
- Denver Life Magazine (yes, they spelled my name wrong, but as my dad used to say "I don't care what you call me as long as you call me".)
On a consumer level, I keep a folder of customer's nice words-- I like to hang on to those as a reminder when business seems tough. I'll share just one with you, my fave from last year:

Haha, thank you Toni, this is the best testimonial EVER!
Good press was a wonderful way to end the year for this little business, and I'm very thankful for it! I'm sharing to keep the positive mojo going into the new year. 2022 was full of changes: a new website and new technology to learn plus constantly changing digital landscape that will affect the way I approach 2023. I'm still here, doing what I love, but this year it's going to look a little different. I'm ready for the challenge and look forward to showing you guys some new and differnet things this year.
With gratitude for the past and present and cheers to a fruitful future! Thank you for being here!
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