Hoard Blankets, Not TP

Congrats, YOU. Whatever tribulations the last year hurled your way, you smacked ‘em back over the fence. Or at least didn’t let them knock you down. Because here you are.
As we launch into whatever the heck 2021 turns out to be, we can all take comfort in knowing that last year we adapted to a lot of crap we did not see coming.
And more often than not, we made the most of this new world. Because, what else ya gonna do? I mean, there’s crying. And pouting. Also snapping at those closest to us. I consider these to all be good self-care strategies. At least for a few minutes. But then what?
Well, we all got on with the business of learning what we could do without. Realizing what really matters. Slowing down and staying home more than we ever thought possible. Breathing. Coping.

We traded crowded bars for cozy nights around the firepit with friends. A night at the movies for getting comfy and actually READING THE BOOK. We realized our schedules had gotten maybe too complicated. And that being busy wasn’t something to brag about anymore.
Many of us learned to love our homes more than ever. No matter how big or small, the place we can take off our mask and breathe easy has become a true nest. Our own safe haven from the uncertain world outside the front door.
This stupid mess isn’t over yet. The good news is, we’ve learned a lot about how to care for ourselves, and how to look after each other.
The healing power of a beautiful throw can’t be overstated in these Unprecedented Times™. Personally, I used a few of Karrie’s throws to spread hugs and happiness. The reactions were heartwarming.
One of my friends got married to a Navy pilot in January. By March she was totally isolated, working alone in her apartment while he was deployed “somewhere in the Middle East.”
I gifted her one of Karrie’s blankets to snuggle with until her husband returned, and her overjoyed reaction made my day. A photo of it displayed neatly on her couch, then eventually a pic of him hogging it. I do not think she cared.
Same thing with my mother-in-law who was disappointed that we couldn’t see her for Christmas. She chose a beautiful landscape-inspired design—so fascinating to see which throw spoke to her most out of all the various choices—and I told her we’d be hugging her ourselves again as soon as we can.
Today we face a new year feeling wiser and more prepared. Wrapped in the armor of a good blanket, wielding subscriptions to 3-4 streaming services, and backed by a small army of loyal snuggle buddies, we know we can take on whatever lies ahead.
Here’s to facing the future in style. Sharing the love. And just doing the best we can.

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