ORANGE you glad I’m your color guide?!
My mom grew up in Orange California- not Orange County, well actually it was, but the city of Orange. You have to specify it like that or folks think you’re just talking about the OC in general. And back then the city of Orange was in the orange groves and every morning when visiting my grandparents, my grandfather would make me fresh squeezed orange juice. And it was such a treat, and although he's no longer alive, when I get the chance to drink it- it is absolutely still a delicous nostalgic treat for me. You know how some people say, if I win the lottery I’m going to (fill in the blank). Well if I make it big- I’d have oranges from California delivered to me every day for fresh squeezed OJ. I don’t even know what that stuff is at the grocery store but it is not real orange juice.
So here we begin our orange guide, with: ORANGES. You guys, fruit is expensive! Gifting oranges is unexpected, useful and healthy.

Other orange gifts that don’t suck:

Fresh delivered organic oranges once a month, yes please! If anyone has a suggestion of groves that deliver, let me know!
"We strive to encourage a diverse and inclusive community, available to people from all walks of life." I have this print called "Rise" and it insprires me every morning.
A colorful punch of cozy recycled cotton to brighten any room. Of course I have one.
Look cute and organized while ditching the ziplock bags and throw-away packaging. And the cherry on top: made from Recycled PET!
Stash some of these in your car and skip the grocery store bag guilt.
Optimism Deck- "Cards to elevate mindset and increase happiness."
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