TERRACOTTA: Thoughtful Color Gift Guide

Wait, why is orange not up next on the color guide? Because Terracotta deserves a place at the rainbow. Call it Saffron, call it Spice or Clay, either way- Terracotta is our transition from Red to Orange, and one of my very favorites.
Our gift guide is inspired by: social consciousness and eco-friendliness. Many are personal products that I have tried and love (✔️) Responsible businesses making beautiful products. Opinions are my own- there is no compensation just sharing the good stuff.

Ditch the to-go forks and spoons! And this one is made from wheat fiber!
Do we really need to spell this out. Stop buying water plastic water bottles. And this one is so dang cute. Don't have, but WANT!
This company donates 15% to community for every purchase.
I love having small pouring pitchers because I love sauces and dips and it just makes eating more interactive. This one made by female powered brand.
Flowers ✔️🌱
Why not gift a subscription of monthly flowers in their favorite color? Make sure and buy local to support your community! I'm lucky to have several friends making the most beautiful arrangements here in KC (below is from my friend Heather at Botanica)
Happy Habitat Step On It Eco Throw ✔️
Have it, use it. Love it. So much that I make and sell it. Saving perfectly good fibers from the landfill- upcylced cotton is the way to go.

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